
Start Here: Meet Your New Boulder, CO Publisher

By Genevieve Kane June 24, 2023


Thank you for visiting Macaroni Kid Boulder! I am a local mama of four and I am excited to take on the role of publisher for the Boulder area.

I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and tell you about our family, along with what I hope to provide going forward. 

Our family is originally from Wisconsin, and we moved to Colorado about two years ago. We finally had enough of the long, snowy Wisconsin winters   

My husband and I are both in healthcare. Before our surprise pandemic twins (what a way to end the crazy year that was 2020!) I worked as a nurse. Now I stay home with our four kids and work as a freelance writer and editor. 

I'm always on the search for fun, family-friendly activities to entertain our crew, so taking on publishing for Macaroni Kid Boulder seemed like a natural fit.

What Can You Expect to Find Here?

As I ramp up my calendar and content, my goal is to be the go-to source for all things family fun in Boulder. But I need your help for this! Finding events to add and trying to feature everything from kids art classes or cooking classes, to farmers markets and all the library events, takes a lot of time. 

If you volunteer with an organization, work for, or own a local business, would you help me out by either submitting events to me via this link or emailing me all the details at

As a mom of four young kids and foodie, you'll also get ideas for fun activities to do at home. Think easy, kid-friendly dinners, and DIY clay earrings or straw-loom bookmarks. 

Let's Feature Your Business!

One of my goals with this site is to feature local area businesses. As a small business owner myself, I understand getting the word out about what you offer is essential to your business thriving!

If you own or manage a local area business, please reach out and let me know! There's no strings attached here. I simply want to help people know who you are, where you are, what you do, and anything exciting you have coming up. I'll feature one business a week in my newsletter - for free! 

Have a big sale or event coming up and want more than just one week, or need a promotional article or two shared on our social channels, too? Send me an email at: and we can chat.

Do You Have an Event Coming Up?

If you have an event coming up, please click here and submit it. I strive to have an up to date calendar of what's going on in the area and will select several events to feature in each week's newsletter. I'd love to help your event be a success! Whether you are a local yoga studio offering a sunrise hike and yoga session, a greenhouse offering education on plant care, or a musician hosting a kids music class in a park, I'd love to hear about it!

Just keep in mind that this is a family-friendly site. So events that do well typically center around kids activities, date outings, family events, etc. If you're not sure if your event fits our site, please feel free to still submit it. I can always follow up if there are questions.

Sponsored Articles 

Besides curating and writing content for this site and updating the calendar, I work as a freelance writer and editor. I'll feature a different business each week for free and am happy to share events in the weekly newsletter. Anything you submit and that is approved for my calendar is completely free, too!

However, if you have specific marketing needs, please reach out! I would love to discuss putting an article together that highlights a specific aspect of your business and how you'd like it distributed. And if you're looking for more than a one-off email mention, we can discuss featuring you more often, too.

What's Macaroni Kid?

Macaroni Kid Boulder is part of a national organization that includes local publishers in nearly 500 towns across the United States and Canada.

In 2020, Macaroni KID merged forces with CertifiKID, a nationally-recognized website that offers discounts on kids' activities and family experiences. 

This merger means that by following Macaroni KID Boulder, you'll get great local content, along with deals on family-friendly shows, getaways, and more!

Keep in Touch

If you've made it this far, thank you! Have you been to a new playground, tried a new craft, or concocted a tasty recipe in the kitchen? I'd love to hear about these, too!

If you'd like to submit your event to be added to the calendar, you can do so here

And if you'd like my weekly newsletter sent right to your inbox, please subscribe. When you subscribe you'll get weekly content sent by me, and also be kept in the know about big events and promotions by our headquarters team.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you and becoming more plugged in to everything happening in Boulder!